I had a funny conversation with my boy this week.
Master I was reading a Calvin and Hobbs comic book and felt like he could identify with one of the comics he read where Calvin asserts his independence. This is how the conversations went.
Master I off-handedly says, "I feel that same way Mom."
I don't know what on Earth he is referring to so I say, "What way?"
Master I then reads to me what Calvin says to Hobbs, "For your information I don't have to do anything I don't want to do."
Then he explains to me how that applies to hims by saying, "Because I don't have to do things...I could just run away."
Hahahaha! Oh, I love that boy!!! :D
LOL! Lance and I miss him, too. In fact, Lance was just remembering something that he and Master I did together at your house. Now I can't remember, but i'll have to ask him. Then we talked about becoming pen pals. So maybe you'll have a note from Lance one of these days ;)
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