Sunday, January 27, 2013

Conversations with my Posterity

I have been having an imaginary conversation with my posterity in my mind this evening in which they ask me, "How did you overcome ______?"  The blank is filled in with some of the harder things that I have been through in my life.

My answer to my posterity is, "What?  You think I can give you a one word answer of how I worked through such a complicated that took me months or years to get through?" As I look back on some of those times tonight I think of my Wonderful Counselor, the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is the rest of my answer to my posterity: "It is too messy and too complicated to give you a guidebook.  Besides, even if you go through the exact same experiences that I have had and have the same baggage that you are lugging around in your life, you will respond to it differently than I have and so you will need to be counseled differently that I was.  But, I want to tell you that I know that you have a Wonderful Counselor too.  And that He will help you.  He will listen to your erroneous and jumbled thinking when you are at your lowest points.  He will accept you when you come to Him and are a mess. When you are humble His comfort will come gently, almost imperceptibly. At times when I didn't feel humble, but felt indignant and hurt instead, it helped me to remember times in my life when I had a deep need of a Savior and He saved me.  Then I felt humble again.  He knows how to sort through your brokeness.  And He knows how to help you work through it one step at a time.
I can't tell you how I got through because the help was given to me in such small, bite-sized doses that changed every week  or day according to what I needed.  As thy days may demand, so thy succor shall be."

And if my posterity says to me, "But Mom/Grandma, I feel ______."  The blank is any number of  negative emotions that are supposed to shock me.  However, I am not shocked because I already had to get over  the shock  I felt for myself when  I had those negative feelings and thoughts when I went through that hard experience.

And so my answer will be, "I know.  I felt that way too."

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