This didn't last long. Way too many giggles to fall asleep. Finally she fell asleep downstairs with me. About an hour later Isaiah woke-up by throwing up all over the bed. The party was over. William woke -up after me having put so much effort into getting him to sleep by me and I knew that it was a matter of time before Isaiah exploded again. I packed everyone up in the car and drove to Salt Lake at 12:00 at night. This was my low point. A perfectly good party....ruined. Or at least cut short.
Rachel discovered her reflection in my eyes and said in absoulte delight, "I see Rachel's in your eyes!"
Rachel and I were out running errands and an older woman told her that she was beautiful and asked what her name was. "Rachel," she promptly responded. The woman then complimented William and asked Rachie what his name was. There was a pause, but then she gave her answer, "Twister." That won a shocked look from the woman. Twister is William's nickname.
Rachel has begun to read. She loves sounding out S-T-O-P on the red signs. She is so thrilled and proud of herself. I took her through the neighborhood instead of on the freeway so that she could have lots of opportunites to practice. That night she showed her daddy and she kept thanking me for teaching her.
I had a wonderful time teaching Rachie's preschool class. We were learning about the body. We put together these hinge bodies to sing our Hinges song to. We also put some organs in the bodies and assembled mini skelletons. We are going talk this week about treating your body like a temple and we will learn about healthy food and modesty. We are going to make modest cloths for our dolls. I am having the time of my life. I love this stuff.
We went to see Seth's play this weekend. I didn't anticipate how important this would be for him. When he stepped on the stage he immeadiately combed the audience with his eyes looking for his fan club. When he saw us he smiled and raised his hand about an inch by his pockets, in an attempt to give a discreet hello. He was the only child that I saw do this. I also didn't anticipate what it would be like for the cousins to do this for Seth. They were so happy to be there for him. They called out his name and chhered for him. We gave him a Root Beer at the end for his flowers. This was his choice. He was so proud of that Root Beer.
To see the love that my children had for Seth and to see the appreciation that he had for them gave me joy.
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