it is early Wed. March 2nd. I leave in about 20 minutes to go to the hospital to be induced into labor for my third child. I feel peaceful and I think that is in large part due to the blessing that I received last night from Mark.
The blessing was such a comfort to me because it answered and put words to the very deepest feelings in my heart.
One blessing that I received was a blessing spiritualy, mentally, and physically. Mark said that with labor there was pain and fear and that I would be blessed mentally and physically to be able to do this.
The spiritual blessing that I received was that I would be able to hear the whiperings of the Holy Ghost and see a glimpse of who my boy was in the premortal world and have a vision of who he can become. I was blessed to be able to see the small and simple things that I do in my everyday life as contributing to that. I was blessed with increased faith.
My friend Michelle Brownelle came over a little before 6 am to watch the kids so that I could be induced. When I got to the hospital I was told that all of the beds were filled because there had been so many spontaneous labors in the night. The morning ended up being so much fun. I walked home with Mark and watched the sun rise. We sent Michelle home, put on a movie for the children, and walked around the house trying to get me into labor naturally. It felt like I was on a date with Mark. It was wonderful to be able to talk to eachother and to see the colors in the sky change as the sun came up. It felt full of peace, love of Mark, and excitement about the coming baby.
I was finally admitted to the hospital at 9 in the morning. The induction began at 10:00am. For the next two hours Mark and I watched movies, talked, read and walked around. The contractions were only uncomfortable, not unbearable. so it was very fun to be with Mark. He is my best friend.
They broke my water at 12:00 and then I was really uncomfortable during the contractions. I sat on the birthing ball and tried to get through it. I asked for the epidural, but little did I know I would be asking too late. I was told that the anesthesiologist just went in to a c-section with twins and would come as soon as he could. I have been asked why I waited so long. I guess I thought the labor would last longer and I didn't want to get it too soon (slowing down the labor). The epidural was hard to get in because I was at the end of labor and so the contractions came steadily and very strongly making it hard for me to sit still. By the time it was in I felt a desire to push. I told everyone in the room. They checked me and saw that it was time in fact to push. I just kept waiting for the epidural to take effect. I kept asking when that would happen. Finally one of the nurses broke the news, "Honey, sometimes when you get the epidrual so late it never has a full effect." I couldn't believe that was true. I just wasn't going to focus on pushing or anything until I felt the epidural kick in. But, they told me that William's heart rate was starting to drop and that I would need to push or they were going to have to help him out. So, I did it. It was actually less painful than just getting through a contraction. But, it was a terrible sensation to push him out. I felt like my body was going to tear in half.
When I finally pushed him all the way out William wailed and so did I. I wasn't crying for joy or for relief from the suffering, but more because I was so traumatized by how painful the labor was. I remember thinking, "I can't believe that just happened to me." And I couldn't help crying about it now that I didn't have to focus my energy on getting through the contractions. They immeadiately put him up on my chest, but I could hardly hold him. I was so exhausted-- physically and emotionally. Oddly, I can hardly remember the pain and I wish I could do it again.
I'm so happy you recorded all of this! William is so blessed to have you as a mother!
I think that anything out of our realm of expectation can be so traumatizing. Especially in the birth of your child.
I'm so happy for you and your growing family. I'll visit this summer for sure and we must have a long walks worth of time to catch up.
I'm so happy you recorded all of this! William is so blessed to have you as a mother!
I think that anything out of our realm of expectation can be so traumatizing. Especially in the birth of your child.
I'm so happy for you and your growing family. I'll visit this summer for sure and we must have a long walks worth of time to catch up.
I'm so happy you recorded all of this! William is so blessed to have you as a mother!
I think that anything out of our realm of expectation can be so traumatizing. Especially in the birth of your child.
I'm so happy for you and your growing family. I'll visit this summer for sure and we must have a long walks worth of time to catch up.
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