Thursday, May 24, 2012

Arches National Park

We were able to sneak away and go to our favorite Winter/Cool Spring get-way...Arches National Park.

Ms R is imagining that the rocks are a home.  Here she is going to sleep on her "bed." She surprised me most of all.  She loved being there all day.   She liked playing in the sand, making imaginary homes and forts in nature, she like seeing the surroundings, she loved being with her family, and when she was getting tired of hiking all I had to do was imagine with her.  She did the entire Delicate Arch hike on her own  all of the way up and back.  The imaginary game that we played was that Dicky Duck, Squirrel  Nutkin, Bunny Rabbit, Snow White, Rapunzel were all hiking with her.  I was all of their voices.  She fed them snacks and carried them in her hands and had conversations with them all up the trail.  Most of the conversations were centered on her taking them to Lake Tahoe and what they would do there.  She is so fun.

Mr. W checking out to see the face attached to that hand.  "Wait, are you my mom?"  He was happy being outside all day long. This was his dream.

This Dad and this boy need nature.

When the little ones got sick of hiking we just pulled out the sand toys and I played with them while the others finished the hike.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Fun pictures!!! My favorites are the pictures of William taking a well-deserved snoozer. So cute. I want to go there!