Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Visiting Granny

Granny loves to take the kids out to lunch.  She loves to see the great grands happy.

She likes for Master I to choose the place and he chose Fat Cats.  The Fat Cats had a Costa Vida inside.

It is always important to choose a place that has "toys" for the kids to play on.

Later that evening we went to ice cream at the creamery.  We also went to the store so that she could buy the kids their own bag of candy.  These are Granny's requirements:  kids choose eating establishment, kids eat whatever they want to order, kids play on the toys, kids get a bag of treats, kids go to the store for more treats or toys, kids feed the ducks at the BYU botany pond with the bread that she has been saving, and she watches while the kids play at Vivian Park up Provo Canyon.  If she can have all of this joy by bestowing love on her great grands while hopefully catching snippets of meaningful conversation  with one grandchild (now parent) about how good the Lord has been to her in her life, she will feel the Holy Ghost and she will feel that her life is complete.  I was talking with Master I about how much she gives and loves. Her latest idea is that she will give her great grandchildren $100 dollars if they will read a book of scripture all of the way through.  This is a woman that detests spending money on herself.  I told Master I that it is almost like she says to her grandkids in her actions, "Take all that I have, all that I have earned and saved over the years...just promise me that you will be good and be happy."

And she has won the hearts of all of these children.  Just the other day Rachel told me that she wanted to live with the grandma that gives her candy (Granny) and that has scratches (wrinkles) on her face and hands.  I want to grow old and care for nothing but my God and my children and grandchildren. But, could I do it without the scratches?

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